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Brian Rea

"I had thought that divorce would free me from a decaying marriage, and it had, but it had also metastasized into an internalized stigma." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq

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"The stigma around divorce oftentimes keeps dysfunctional and irreparable marriages together and creates generational traumas that are then that much harder to break." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq


“There’s this culturally laden idea that marriage is supposed to be the pinnacle of the next step of life… so leaving is seen as reneging on a commitment.” - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq


"[Organizations] can start with the approach mental health providers do: asking the right questions to pinpoint where their employees are struggling and why." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq


"We have to remind ourselves when the anxiety takes over that there’s also the upside of uncertainty – opportunity, innovation, and growth." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq

Samaiya Mushtaq: Practitioner's Corner of Journal of Psychiatric Practice

"The findings of this study suggest the potential effectiveness of coordinated interventions by religious leaders and mental health professionals to address the reluctance of Muslims to use psychotropic medication treatment when indicated." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq

Samaiya Mushtaq: Samosas, Ramadan, and Isolation

"While it’s under unfortunate circumstances and through a forced choice, it’s still true that we can allow ourselves to take isolation as a gift and with it, the joy it can bring." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq

Samaiya Mushtaq: Four Leadership Lessons

"For leaders, not everything can or should be said in front of everyone, and the circumference of the circle of who knows what will shift as they ascend to the higher rungs of organizations." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq

Samaiya Mushtaq: Islamophobia Effects on Clinicians

"Psychiatrists ought to consider the possibility that that it is very much in the realm of the professional scope to address [xenophobia] as a distorted thought process." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq & Dr. Saira Bhatti

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"Without clear professional guidelines when it comes to spiritual counseling, both our imams and community members are left vulnerable and face dire consequences." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq

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"Culturally, breasts remain almost exclusively a symbol of feminine sexuality...."The loss [due to a mastectomy] could directly result in significant detrimental effects on her self-esteem.” - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq

Divorce is one of the most difficult choices a person can make, but to navigate it within a cultural context gives it additional complexity. Listen to this conversation between MannMukti podcast host Dr. Anand Jayanti and Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq. 

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"If goals are the mile markers on our life’s path, intention is our day-to-day walk along it – the pace we’re going at and the route we traverse upon....Intention gives meaning to our movement." - Dr. Samaiya Mushtaq

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